I'm loosing interest in micro.blog
I should probably write a long blog post (on my main blog) about why I lost interest in micro.blog ๐
- editor is so annoying (see picture below where cursor is in the middle of the character)
- posts are too short to serve as future documentation / tutorial
- lack of proper Markdown editor
- not clear how to insert multiple images and how to alternate text with images
- no way to know if your posts are being read or not (I don’t even know if people appreciate what I write… I don’t know if they are sharing my post somewhere else)
- completely zero engagement (it’s like shouting against a wall)
- editor is so annoying (no, not an accidental duplicate. I hate it so much and it takes me ages to write a post, especially because of the but I’ve already explained which makes me write wrong chars)
Putting @manton in CC, maybe he can take some inspiration for future development.